How Journaling Reshaped My Thinking

Princess Amarachi
1 min readJan 17, 2022

You never can tell what thought is holding you back...

Pexels photo - journaling

Just by the end of last year, I was reminiscing on my past years’ experiences, mistakes and lessons.

I got very important messages from them that have changed my mindset, thought and pumped me for growth.

That’s why it’s so important that we journal our processes whether in words or pictures. But I always prefer to write about my daily experiences because it brings to my consciousness what I wouldn’t have noticed or would have ignored.

What I realized was that I still had some limiting beliefs that I never knew. I thought I had them sorted out but I found out that we are always in progress each day.

These mindsets have cost me opportunities, time, resources, people and joy. I fought some in the process while others became obvious as I looked back.

In these few weeks, I hope to share those memories here and trust that you would learn a thing or two that will help you in your growth journey.

I will be sharing most of them too on my YouTube channel @The Princess Amarachi Show and other social media handles. But trust you can find them here too.

Cheers to growth.




Princess Amarachi

YouTube Host, Writer and Voiceover Artiste. Writes on Personal & Career Growth, Content and Faith. Watch here: